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How To Take Back Your Yard From Birmingham's Mosquitoes

mosquito on skin

Mosquitoes buzzing around our heads and using us as an all-you-can-eat blood buffet is an inevitable fact of life. There are very few places in the world that are lucky enough to escape their scourge, with over 3,500 different types of mosquitoes populating most of the globe that's not covered in saltwater or ice. 

Thankfully, less than 10% of all mosquito species are interested in our blood, and only females of those species bite. Unfortunately, most mosquito species common to our area fall into that 10%, making a late summer evening excursion in shorts and short sleeves a dicey proposition.

Let's take a look at what happens when mosquitoes bite you, what you can do to prevent an infestation, and how professional pest control in Birmingham might benefit you in your fight to keep mosquitoes away.

What Happens When A Mosquito Bites You

Urban legends aside, mosquitoes do not feed on human blood. Most types of mosquitoes feed on flower nectar and honeydew, using this sugary sustenance for the energy they need to fly.

Female mosquitoes are the little buzzers responsible for attacking humans and other animals looking for a snack on the blood meal they need to produce eggs. When a mosquito spots a meal on two feet that look appetizing (they rely on a variety of factors in that choice, including carbon dioxide we exhale, lactic acid and ammonia we produce as we sweat, as well as the colors of our skin and clothing) it pierces the skin with a special organ called a proboscis. As it feeds, it injects its saliva into the saliva, which contains a number of anticoagulants to keep the blood flowing and de-sensitizers to keep you from realizing you're being bitten and smacking him with your hand.

Common Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Unfortunately, a mosquito bite can be much more than an unpleasant sensation and a ruined evening stroll through the park. For most people, a mosquito bite will result in a puffy reddish bump, maybe a smallish bruise. The reaction can be much more intense for children and people predisposed to mosquito allergies, sometimes culminating in a serious allergic reaction.

On top of that, some types of mosquitoes can transfer a number of dangerous and contagious diseases if they drink blood from an infected person before biting you. Some of the transferable diseases mosquitoes help spread include:

  • Yellow fever
  • Dengue fever
  • Zika
  • West Nile virus
  • Malaria

A mosquito bite can also expose you to several blood born parasites, including lymphatic filariasis and malaria.

Five No-Sweat Tips To Prevent Mosquito Bites

An effective mosquito deterrent strategy consists of making yourself as unattractive to them and clearing their spawning grounds from your property.

Here are five tips:

  1. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when going out in the evening and early morning.
  2. Spray your skin with an insect repellent when going out.
  3. Make sure there are no areas of standing water on your property where mosquitoes can nest.
  4. Avoid spending time outside during morning and evening hours.
  5. Cut down vegetation and brush to remove places mosquitoes can spend the midday sunny hours.

Consider adding a yearly pest control inspection to make sure no mosquitoes set up camp on your property.

The Best Mosquito Prevention And Control For Your Yard

An experienced pest control professional will explore your property for mosquito spawning grounds and treat the area to make sure you can enjoy your backyard once again.

At EnviroCare Lawn and Pest Services, we specialize in effective and environmentally friendly ways to help you get rid of mosquitoes and keep them from coming back.

If you have mosquitoes in your yard or anywhere else on your property-give us a call, and we'll show them the boot with our effective mosquito control services in Birmingham.